terça-feira, dezembro 06, 2005

Visiting again the stream of thoughts, searching the minds of the vermin of the Universe, I found something unusual.
Not wanting to hurt some feelings I wont type it completely, lets just say, you, Earth people, established on your biological sphere one of the most anoying nano-diseases ever encountered through out this reality. Even though you never experienced any nano tecnology in your system.
Unusual, without a doubt.
Knowing for yourselves that in a near future, everything will come to end, auguring a happy or awful time, an end to all the wars and dificulties you started for yourselves, is nothing more than a nano-disease already knowned to have destroyed several galatic systems.
Stop, and work for your Present, don't worry on a Future than may never come, or will never come.
Work around the wars, fight the sytems that stop you from having a pleasent time on those weakling bodies.
Save your kin, ask you kin, know your kind!


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