terça-feira, outubro 22, 2013

Qualintefarus and the Mayfly

In his adventures Qualintefarus met a queen mayfly crying for help.
She was dying and had not yet found a mate to continue the legacy that her family had bestowed upon her.
And so Qualintefarus asked her:
- What can I do to help you Highness?
And she replied:
- Mate with me so that our children can see the world and I can die happy.
But Qualintefarus was confused.. How would he mate with an insect? And so he questioned her about this.
And she replied:
- For I am the Queen that rules all this valley, and I can transform into a human for a day. Then we can mate.
And so Qualintefarus as curious and accepted. And upon seeing the beauty transformed in front of him he took her to the nearest town and showed her all the things she never saw before as a human being.
And she was delighted...
And then she asked our hero when were they going to mate. But Qualintefarus did not answer.
And they continued and he showed her the Theater and the Museum, and the Library and the Town Hall and the ways of the people.
And she was astonished...
And in the end she queried again, would they mate at all? But Qualintefarus did not answer.
At the end of the day Qualintefarus watched her die and she asked why did he not mate with her.
- Because legacy is not as important as the fun you had today.

Moral of the story:
Today what you think is right, might just be a preconception.


1 comentários:

Célia Novais disse...
