terça-feira, maio 22, 2012

The hyperreal eye

20 years after 1984, Big Brother is dancing & singing & taking rabbits from his hat, treating us with this fin de siècle society of the spectacle, on the TV Bill O'Rlyeh is snarling shut up you pinhead - I for one welcome our reptilian overlords, cut to a model's silicon implants telling us about the brand new cactus-flavored Bovril, which you absolutely've got to try, moving along the East River you can see the sore left after Flight 11 and Flight 115 crashed onto our inadequate sense of infallibility, spreading green fear all over the civilized, modern, safety-conscious world, & now that spot is filled with twin placeholder spotlights pointed at Alpha Centauri, & you wonder if by any chance they might momentarily blind Echelon's omniscient eye in the sky, but then an augmented reality troll strolls by, beneath its neon glow veil a half-perceived off-duty Starfucks clerk reading a Mothman e-comic book, by then your Vril high – brought to you by the good folk at the Holy Church of Scientology's Nepentech Program – is really kicking in, thousands and thousands of Moloch buildings marching along 5th Av. & you remember Commander-in-Chief George W. Boosh sayin' either you're with us or you're with Mantis (who's been popping up lately in every madman's mind, every housewife's dream and the aethernets), flashbacks of Richard M. Nexus going I'm not a croc, moments after putting the final nail to the American Dream's coffin & sometimes you just wish you were one of those romantic Sons of Nada going around throwing molotovs at the pigs you'd have your Hoffman glasses on & black hoodie & bandana too but as you walk past Vril Street where years earlier Gordon Gecko brought the system to its knees & now again it's flooded with toxic assets, you are reminded of the Great Gray China & the National Debt looming over everyone's head and that you, Duluoz, would always choose the lesser of two evils but as the Vril is blasting full-on psychedelia through your mind you put those worries aside & you're beginning to wonder if that augmented reality thing up on Times Square is really Spongebob Squarepants or Shiva the Destroyer come to whisk you away from Spaceship Earth.


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