terça-feira, janeiro 27, 2009

Late afternoon in a desert in Mexico...

The desert was vast and yellow, not a sign of life in sight.
There had been a lake where now silhouette stood, a ghastly shadow, flickering and waving in the desert heat.
It was moving, even from a distance, it could be noticed. It was wandering. Lost.
Maybe it was just looking for water, or it was just high as a college teen in his first acid. No one could know. It was not meant to be known. Not even that it was here.
Earth could not ever see such creature, such multiversal being. People couldn't even start to understand, what kind of strange anomaly was happening, if it graced them with it's presence.
But it was anonymous, it was never to be observed.
Only it's doing was known and felt. For a lake emerged soon he was left.


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