quinta-feira, fevereiro 09, 2006

The Book of Blame

I blame the fake values of moral
I blame the poor dear martyrs and the self-loathing
I blame over-masturbation and over-eating
I blame whiny little bitches
I blame the happy housewives who raise dependent children
I blame the incompleteness of parents
I blame model citizens and pillars of the community
I blame self ordained leaders
I blame the elite
I blame the gorgeous little whores that parade on posters
I blame the fucking healthaholics and the fucking beautyholics
I blame club bouncers so full of themselves
I blame the increasingly shittier deals we get
I blame the fat greasy monopolists that will never have enough
I blame the haves and the "want more"
I blame the petty resentment of small people
I blame the world
And, ultimately, I blame myself too
Because I sit here blaming everything
And not do a thing


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