sexta-feira, fevereiro 03, 2006

Ban all the chemistry dealers and manufactures, ban all the drug gangs, ban all the white collar mob bosses, ban all the fucking politicians, ban all these man-made gods, stop worshipping all those who rise to their pedestal of status through murder, deceiving, cheating and buying.
Hail to all the chemistry dealers, hail to all the drug gangs, hail to all the white collar bosses, hail to all the politicians, hail to all the man-made gods who struggled to climb to pedestals of your society through hard work, simpathy, generocity, solidarity and their own and good "souls".
The first ones are those who con your senses more easily, those who plant in your minds the images of yourselves as worshipping mobs, those who make you change your perception of the gods you are and can be.
The last ones are those you can or should be, gods as all others in this realm you call Earth and Universe.
And for such I work to make you see that you are a GOD as everyone in this plain dimension.
However you don't help at all... you prefer to worship...


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